Chatlio commands for the Slack operators

Chatlio Commands are special instructions you type into your Slack client to let you govern the behavior and configuration of Chatlio from within Slack. It’s a quick and easy way to perform many of your common Chatlio tasks, such as for instance turning the widget on/off or check on status. Read on for details.

Inline help

Get help from inside Slack by typing /chatlio help

/chatlio auto                              alias for "/chatlio on"
/chatlio off                               force chatlio widget into offline mode, use "/chatlio on" to resume auto checking
/chatlio on                                update widget on/offline status automatically
/chatlio manual-mode                       do not look at active/away status of your team (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio status                            (st) report current on/offline status and config
/chatlio end                               (x) end the current chat: archive channel and trigger actions
/chatlio discard                           archive current channel and don't trigger any actions
/chatlio replies                           (r) show all saved replies and click to send to visitor
/chatlio reply <shortcut>                  (r) pull up single saved reply by shortcut and click to send to visitor
/chatlio question-groups                   (qg) show all saved question groups and click to send to visitor
/chatlio question-group <shortcut>         (qg) pull up single question group by shortcut and click to send to visitor
/chatlio screenshot                        (ss) get a screenshot of visitor's screen
/chatlio email <email address>             (e) email transcript of current conversation to <email address>
/chatlio send-to-webhook                   (stw) post chat transcript to webhook setup in Chatlio settings
/chatlio operator-name                     show visitors the name and initial of the Slack user responding (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio notify-channel-on-msg             add "@channel" whenever a new message is received (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio response-reminders                send a notification every 30sec until a visitor receives a reply (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio op-hours-schedule                 enable operating hours schedule (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio print-op-hours                    print current operating hours schedule
/chatlio print-visitor-info                print visitor info in main channel for new chats: compact (default), full, none
/chatlio require-info                      require visitors to enter email before starting a chat (issue again to toggle)
/chatlio ban <handle>                      ban visitor (no handle needed in dedicated channel)
/chatlio identify <key>:<value>, ...       (id) add visitor trait(s) that is shown with /chatlio info, eg. /chatlio id color:blue, team:seahawks/chatlio identify remove <key>             (id) remove visitor trait, eg. /chatlio id remove team/chatlio unban <handle>                    unban a visitor
/chatlio ban list                          list banned visitors
/chatlio ask <list of attrs>               ask visitor for information, e.g. email, phone, best time to call back
/chatlio throttle-conversations <off|num>  accept max <num> concurrent chats (use with `/chatlio end`)
/chatlio info @handle                      (i) print all available info about a visitor (no handle needed in dedicated channel)
/chatlio dialogflow <on|off|>              (df) turn configured Dialogflow integration on/off in the current chat, or globally, when issued in the main channel (skip 'on/off' to toggle)
/chatlio watsonconv <on|off|>              (wc) turn configured Watson Conversation integration on/off in the current chat, or globally, when issued in the main channel (skip 'on/off' to toggle)

Shortcuts in parentheses eg, /chatlio r is the same as /chatlio replies

Current widget status

Check on your widget status using /chatlio status and the bot will report back to you in Slack how we’re currently handling offline/online mode for you.

Check status: /chatlio status

Turn Chatlio on/off

When you want to turn Chatlio on or off without trusting the automatic presence detection, you can use /chatlio off as an override. When turned off, your visitors will see the Chatlio widget in offline mode to let your customers leave you a message, or, if you have configured, not be shown at all.

To turn Chatlio off: /chatlio off To turn Chatlio on: /chatlio on

Disable presence detection

If you do not want Chatlio to automatically detect presence, you can use /chatlio manual-mode to disable it. When in manual-mode, the Chatlio widget will not switch to offline mode if nobody on your team is there to respond. To turn Chatlio off, you need to use /chatlio off or use an operating hours schedule.

To turn on manual mode: /chatlio manual-mode

Issue again to toggle.

End a conversation

End a chat conversation with /chatlio end . This will archive current channel and if configured it will send transcript via email/webhook. See the overview for more info.

End conversation: /chatlio end

Discard a conversation

Archive current channel without triggering any post-chat actions with /chatlio discard .

Discard conversation: /chatlio discard

Request a screenshot of your visitor’s screen

You can request a screenshot of your visitor’s screen using /chatlio request-screenshot . If visitor approves request, a screenshot of their screen will be sent to you in Slack.

Ask for a screenshot: /chatlio request-screenshot

Notify on incoming messages

To make sure you never miss a message from your visitors – e.g. if you’re multitasking while chatting – you can enable extra @channel notifications. This will prepend all incoming messages to a dedicated channel with @channel , which is a Slack feature that will trigger notifications to all members of that channel. Enabling this can result in a lot of notifications on a busy day, so use with care!

Note Slack recently released a @here feature which is similar to @channel but limits notifications to the channel members that are currently online. This is a better fit for this Chatlio command but there is a bug in the Slack backend stopping us from using it. As soon as possible, we will switch to using @here rather than @channel .

To enable: /chatlio notify-channel-on-msg

Issue again to toggle.

Response Reminders

When response reminders are turned on Chatlio will ping you repeatedly until someone on your team has responded. This can be a great help to ensure you don’t miss any incoming chats. The notifications are sent every 60 seconds by default and stop after 5 minutes or as soon as the visitor gets a reply. Response reminders are on by default. Here is how to configure the notification frequency:

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select the widget for which you want to adjust the reminders frequency.
  3. On the Behavior tab, select and adjust the time to your liking on the “What should happen if no one responds to a visitor’s first message?” setting.

To enable: /chatlio response-reminders

Issue again to toggle.

Operating hours

You can configure Chatlio to turn on/off on a schedule reflecting your hours of operation. First you will need to set up your schedule. Here is how to setup your operating hours schedule:

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select the widget for which you want to create an operating hours schedule.
  3. On the Operating Hours tab, fill out your desired schedule.

Not every day is the same though, and there might be times when you want to turn the regular schedule on or off. You can do this straight from Slack with the op-hours-schedule command (using the Chatlio dashboard works too of course). Operating hours schedule is off by default.

To toggle your schedule: /chatlio op-hours-schedule

Issue again to toggle.

Print operating hours

You can ask Chatlio to print your current operating hours schedule (and timezone) directly from Slack using the print-op-hours command.

Display your current schedule: /chatlio print-op-hours

Example output:

Monday    |      09:15 |       18:00
Tuesday   |      09:15 |       17:00
Wednesday |      09:15 |       12:00
Wednesday |      13:15 |       16:15
Thursday  |      09:15 |       16:15
Friday    |      09:15 |       16:15

Toggle visitor info in main channel

If you prefer your main Chatlio channel to be as uncluttered as possible you can opt to skip printing visitor info there. All the meta data about your visitors is still displayed in the dedicated channel and you can always use /chatlio info to print it again. Visitor info in the main Chatlio channel is on by default.

To toggle your schedule: /chatlio print-visitor-info

Issue again to toggle.

Require visitors to enter email before chatting

You can require users to enter their name and email prior to chatting. When enabled, new visitors to your Chatlio-enabled site will first be prompted for their name and email before starting to chat. Once entered, they will not be asked to enter their information again. More info

To turn on the email entry form: /chatlio require-info

Issue again to toggle.

Ban a visitor from chatting to you

Banning a visitor means marking them as unable to chat with you. We sincerely hope you will never need this, but the internet can be a wild place and a determined “troll” can be quite a nuisance to your staff. Chatlio lets you ban and unban visitors. When a visitor is banned they will see your Chatlio chat widget just like anyone else but none of their messages will be delivered to you in Slack. In other words, the “troll” will never know they have been banned.

To ban a visitor when in their dedicated channel: /chatlio ban

To ban a visitor from the Chatlio main channel: /chatlio ban <their-handle>

To “unban” a visitor: /chatlio unban <their-handle>

To list all visitor that are banned: /chatlio ban list

Request additional information from a visitor

Often times during a chat you need to ask the visitor for some additional piece of information, perhaps so you can call them up or email them with a follow-up form your second-line support staff. For this, Chatlio provides the /chatlio ask command. You can query for any number of attributes and for each the visitor will see a text entry field inside their browser. The information they enter is added to the visitor record Chatlio stores, making it available for further processing in your backend systems.

To ask a visitor for their email: /chatlio ask email

To ask a visitor for their phone and fax numbers: /chatlio ask phone, fax

To ask a visitor for the best time to call them back: /chatlio ask best time to call

Show operator name

By default Chatlio will label messages sent to the widget and your visitor with “Support”. This works fine for most use cases, but some prefer a more personal approach and use the first name of the the Slack operator that is sending the response.

When enabled, all messages sent from Slack to your web site visitors will see the first name and the first letter of the last name of your operator, e.g. “Doug H.”.

To enable: /chatlio operator-name

Issue again to toggle.

You can make additional changes to the operator name and the associated avatar. Here is how:

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select the widget for which you want to customize.
  3. On the Behavior tab, you can change the default agent label and decide what avatar to show in the “Avatars and agent labels” section.

Email a transcript of your conversation

If you wish to notify a colleague on your team about a conversation you’ve had with a visitor to your site it’s often convenient to loop them in by sending them a chat transcript. If you need to process the chat transcript further, we also include a JSON version of the chat transcript as an attachment.

The name of the operator involved in the conversation is indicated with their first name and the first letter of their surname. Chatlio fetches this information from the Slack profile of the operator so make sure your profile is set to the values you wish the reader to see here.

To send the transcript email: /chatlio email [email protected] inside the dedicated channel.

Send a transcript of your chat to your webhook

At the end of a conversation with a visitor it is sometimes desirable to store a transcript of your conversation in your own systems. This can be achieved through a webhook as documented here.

To trigger the webhook: /chatlio send-to-webhook inside the dedicated channel.

Control how many concurrent chats Chatlio will accept

To avoid getting drowned by too many visitors all wanting to chat, you can set how many concurrent conversations Chatlio will accept. When the current conversation count goes above your threshold, Chatlio will be set to “offline mode” for new visitors to your site. In offline mode, Chatlio will ask visitors for their email and a message so you can get back to them (you can also configure Chatlio to stay hidden when in offline mode, if that suites you better). Ongoing conversations will not be affected by throttling, so if you have 16 chats going on and set throttling to 9, you will still have the old 16 chats but no new chats can be started until the count drops below 9.

When using conversation throttling it is important to use /chatlio end or /chatlio discard to make sure that the current chats counter stay up to date. For throttling purposes, Chatlio will consider a conversation as “inactive” after 15 minutes of inactivity or until archived.

To allow max 11 concurrent conversations: /chatlio throttle-conversations 11

To turn throttling off: /chatlio throttle-conversations off

Print visitor info

When a new chat starts, Chatlio stores some basic meta information about your visitor: locaiton in the world, where they are on your site, the browser they are using etc. At the beginning of each conversation, this information is printed in Slack along with their first message. If your site uses the Chatlio javascript API to augment the meta data about the visitor, this is also included of course. If you ever want to query Chatlio for the current info about a visitor, issue this command:

Print visitor meta info: /chatlio info

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