Send your visitors an auto message when the first operator joins the chat

Send an automatic message to your website visitor after your first Slack operator joins the chat. Here are some of the benefits and uses of this feature:

  • Give your visitors a peace of mind that someone is helping them.
  • Provide initial instructions.
  • Let the visitor know what to expect during the chat.
  • Let the visitor know the operator is looking up their information.

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Open the Chatlio dashboard.
  2. Select the widget for which you would like to send an operator join auto response.
  3. Select the Behavior tab.
  4. Turn on the feature by selecting "Send auto response message", customize the message text, and select the "Save Changes" button below.
    Operator join auto response settings
  5. Now when the first Slack operator joins the chat, the visitor will see the auto response in the widget. Operator join auto response widget example
  6. Your Slack team will know there was an automatic message sent in the channel too. Operator join auto response slack example
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