Webhooks provide a nice way to get data out of Chatlio and into your existing systems. Chatlio provides the following webhooks.
Some example use cases of Chatlio webhooks:
Looking for a code-free way to integrate Chatlio into your existing systems? Using our Zapier App you can connect Chatlio to over 2000 different apps and services.
If you are setting up your own endpoint for integration, here is a sample of the webhook data posted:
Example JSON payload for these webhooks: “new conversation started”, “visitor left feedback” and “unanswered visitor message”:
"visitor": {
"email": "",
"UUID": "2d3f4260-2235-903b-0a82-a23d326cc257",
"name": "",
"identUserId": "",
"identTraits": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.28 Safari/537.36",
"handle": "united-states-27",
"currentPage": "http://yoursite.com/signup",
"referrerURL": "",
"createdAt": "2016-02-07T11:02:17.839766-08:00",
"IPAddress": "",
"location": "Los Angeles, California, United States"
"message": "Hi, I am having trouble signing up",
"conversationUUID": "e3d1800d-2d9e-4966-4500-9ff986cfa197",
"channelId": "C1NABCDEF",
"slackChannelName": "live-chat",
"slackChannelId": "C1XPVTNKR"
Example JSON payload sent to the “new offline message” webhook:
"name": "Bob Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"emailPretty": "\"Bob Smith\" <[email protected]>",
"message": "I just want to say I love your service!",
"visitor": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"UUID": "2d3f4260-2235-903b-0a82-a23d326cc257",
"name": "Bob Smith",
"identUserId": "user1234",
"identTraits": "{\"custom stuff\":\"things\"}",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.28 Safari/537.36",
"handle": "united-states-27",
"currentPage": "http://yoursite.com/signup",
"referrerURL": "",
"createdAt": "2016-02-07T11:02:17.839766-08:00",
"IPAddress": ""
Example JSON payload:
"agentEmail": "[email protected]",
"agentName": "Some One",
"archiveUrl": "https://yourcompany.slack.com/archives/cl-tiger128",
"extraData": [
"channelId": "C03FVS2UR",
"channelName": "costa-mesa-california-us-133",
"conversationUUID": "e3d1800d-2d9e-4966-4500-9ff986cfa197",
"endedAt": "2018-05-19T18:14:32.000026941+02:00",
"chatRating": "up",
"chatFeedback": "Great support, will use again!",
"htmlBody": "<HTML output of transcript will be in here, useful for simply display chat conversation in external system that accepts HTML>",
"textBody": "<Text output of transcript will be in here, useful for simply display chat conversation in external system that accepts plain text messages>",
"messages": [
"text": "Hi! I love your webhooks!",
"ts": "1469725409.000005",
"sentAt": "2016-07-28T19:03:29.000005006+02:00",
"userId": "",
"username": "costa-mesa-california-us",
"isVisitorMsg": true
"text": "Great, thanks for letting us know!",
"ts": "1469725427.000007",
"sentAt": "2016-07-28T19:03:47.000006914+02:00",
"userId": "U0N2GKA2G",
"username": "Some O.",
"isVisitorMsg": false
"startedAt": "2015-07-19T14:38:15.560106+02:00",
"visitorEmail": "",
"replyToEmail": "[email protected]", // We use the visitor email here if we have it.
"visitorName": "costa-mesa-california-us-133",
"visitorTraits": {
"current_page": "http://yourcompany.com/the-shop",
"time_on_page": "30min",
"logged_in": "false"
"visitor": {
"email": "",
"UUID": "2b959179-d06f-4fec-9c6e-1c98468d1d63",
"name": "",
"identUserId": "",
"identTraits": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2809.0 Safari/537.36",
"handle": "costa-mesa-california-us-133",
"currentPage": "http://chatlio.com/docs",
"referrerURL": "",
"createdAt": "2016-07-28T19:03:11.080407+02:00",
"IPAddress": "",
"location": "Costa Mesa, California, United States"
"slackTeamID": "T0N1FQTOD"
The extraData
key contains anything entered after the chatlio-command issued to send the webhook, eg /chatlio send-to-webhook extra stuff here
. Useful for custom tagging.
The ts
key included with each message is the original Slack-style timestamp that also works as a sort of “message ID”. Use this if you need to match up the Chatlio webhook with the message in Slack using the Slack API directly.
For more details about sending chat transcripts via webhooks, see chat transcripts doc.
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